What is the process for RPL?
The RPL process:
1. Complete the self-evaluation checklist that is available on our website to ensure you have made an informed decision that this is the correct assessment pathway for you.
2. Begin the task of gathering the required evidence. We suggest that you work systematically through this unit by unit. As each unit is looked at in isolation, the expectation is that you would upload evidence (i.e.: resume, previous qualifications) for every unit in which you are seeking RPL for.
3. Talk to your assessor. E-mail. Phone. Keep in contact with them to let them know how you are going, what issues you are facing, etc. The more contact you have with your assessor the more they can help you. It also means that your assessor knows that you are working towards the next submission of evidence.
4. Aim to complete a unit a fortnight. If you want to work quicker than this and have the time to do so, that is fantastic. But we find that candidates who do not submit evidence regularly tend not to complete the RPL process.
5. Upload all of your evidence to our portal, along with your completed report and evidence collection tool.
6. Once your assessor has viewed your evidence, you will be asked to participate in an RPL Conversation (assessment of underpinning knowledge) before recognition is applied.
Remember that this process is an RPL process, so no learning and assessment activities are provided to you. RPL is Recognition of Prior Learning, not another way of doing a face-to-face session. It is not Distance Education.